We touched on it a little in Monday’s tip, but since it’s springtime and our warm-weather clothes make it even harder to hide those extra pounds, let’s talk about it some more. As we all know (because we all read my book, right?) many of us made it a goal to lose weight at the beginning of the year, and statistically most have given up by now. But it’s not too late to try again, and I have two tips that may help keep you on track this time around.
Weigh yourself faithfully, every morning, before breakfast. Monitoring your progress is a key part of reaching any goal, and one that we too often forget to do. If you have slipped and eaten too much, let’s say, on a really stressful day or at special event like a wedding reception, you will catch your weight gain before it gets out of hand. There’s no need to get discouraged and quit when you’ve only gained a couple of pounds - just remind yourself that you will make up for it in the next few days, which is very doable.
Not weighing yourself daily makes it too easy to forget about your diet, and slide into denial about what you are actually consuming. Even weighing-in every week can have some disheartening results, weakening your commitment to your weight loss goal.
Put a favorite picture of yourself, at your ideal weight, on your refrigerator. This will remind you of the goal you are pursuing, before you open the door and make your food choice. Too often when we’re deciding what to eat, we think only about our hunger – about what would taste good. Your ideal weight photo will help you to remember that deliciousness is not the only thing that matters.
If you do not have a photo that fits the bill, buy a magazine and choose a picture that will work for you. Again, remember to keep it real! If you have a lot of weight to lose, it’s best not to pick a picture of a very skinny model. You want a photo that reflects a realistic goal over a specific period of time. For example: I will lose 30 lbs in the next 6 months. That is your immediate goal, so choose an image that will keep you focused on that.
Good luck with your goal!